Plan a Full-Service Fishing Trip
Make arrangements through Cheff Legacy Outfitters in Flathead National Forest, MT
When life gets hectic, you can slow things down with a relaxing fishing trip. Cheff Legacy Outfitters arranges guided fishing trips for visitors to Flathead National Forest, MT who want to spend a few days in a beautiful river paradise.
The Bob Marshall has hundreds of miles of rivers and streams, but the South Fork of the Flathead River, one of Montana's best kept secrets, is a fly fishing paradise with mile after mile of exciting, unforgettable water.
You can expect to catch between 20 to 80 Native West Slope Cutthroat a day, anywhere between 12 and 19 inches with a rumored 20 incher from time to time.
The South Fork of the Flathead River is also one of the few areas in the lower 48 states that allows you to target and catch the Native Bull Trout. Bull Trout in excess of 35" can be caught and are often times considered a "bucket list" fish for many fly fishermen. Many of the drainages that empty into the South Fork of the Flathead River get very little pressure year after year and give our guests the opportunity to fish in a true wilderness setting.
Call 406-250-2902 now to reserve your spot on one of our guided fishing trips.